


    H Narayana Rao


    Dear Children,

    Trust Yourself, Be Confident, You Can Achieve Your Target Through Regular Hard Work
    Plan up daily time table.
    Give equal weightage to each subject.
    Start your day with difficult subject.
    Try to understand the subject matter.
    Include break time in between each task for short relaxation.
    Strike off the completed task.
    Always stick to your time table.
    Go through the portion of lesson before a subject starts in the class.
    At the end of the note, write main points as heading/ summary.
    . Be a regular scholar. Come to school in clean and tidy uniform well in time.
    . Be regular to assembly and take active part in its conduct.
    Extend your discipline in keeping the class room and the school campus clean. Don’t scatter bits of paper on the floor, should you find any, remove them. Neither spoil the walls nor damage the school furniture and other property. They are yours and you have to pass them on to your younger brothers and sisters.
    Read Newspapers and Magazines regularly.
    Acquire knowledge persistently in order to become an educated and cultured citizen.
    Cherish the honour of the nation, school, family and one’s own and defend it by one’s deeds, work and training.
    Underscore your goals and set your priorities and channelize; all your energy towards their accomplishment.
    Venerate respect those who deserve it, rich or poor, weak or strong. Never bend your knees before.
    Watch your words, watch your actions and watch your thoughts so that no finger is pointed at you.
    Yield the best in the worst circumstances as every experience teaches you something good.
    Toil hard today as the student life is the only period to shape your destiny.


    Shri H Narayana Rao
    Principal I/C